Texas in the 16th Century
Articles on the Discovery and Initial Exploration of North America
- The Discovery and Initial Exploration of North America, Part 1 - the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus, Spanish colonial policies, expeditions to New Spain, the conquest of the Aztecs by Cortés
- The Discovery and Initial Exploration of North America, Part 2 - the Cortés Rift, voyages to Panuco, voyages to Florida, political turnover and the establishment of the viceroyalty
- The Discovery and Initial Exploration of North America, Part 3 - Cabeza de Vaca's journey, the myth of the seven cities of gold, the Coronado Expedition, the De Soto Expedition, diminising interest in North America
Articles on Cabeza de Vaca and the Narváez Expedition
Our series of articles on the first European exploration of Texas is found under the topic, The Discovery of Texas.
Articles on the Coronado Expedition
Other Articles on Texas in the 16th Century